Friday, February 19, 2010

Miracle pill’ for men to treat premature ejaculation

A prescription drug designed specifically to treat premature ejaculation (PE) can triple the amount of time men can last before ejaculating.

Priligy is already available in Europe and may soon be brought before the FDA for approval in the U.S., according to Men's Health magazine.

While the miracle drug may solve many men's bedroom issues, some researchers worry that a broad advertising campaign for the drug could incite fear in men who don't have a medical problem, reports The New York Daily News .

"There are tons of men out there who think they should be doing better and who will buy into a PE campaign," Joel Lexchin, a professor of health policy at the York University in Toronto, told Men's Health. "It could implicitly or explicitly define what PE means so that any man could identify with the condition." source

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